Colour of Woman

An exhibition of artworks by Melanie Jane Waters-Marsh aka Magnificent Mel, MM.

Muse Archetype: “Aurora: The Light at the Edge of the Abyss.” MM.

Muse Archetype: “Aurora: The Light at the Edge of the Abyss.” MM.

Exhibition summary

Sometimes, at very short notice, life offers you an opportunity and you have to have the courage to say yes.  I did this last week, a spaced opened up at the Richard Randall Art Studio at the Mt Coot-The Botanical Gardens for nine days and I said yes to exhibit and teach there! So, here I am offering my creative expression to the world... 

“The Colour of Woman exhibition is an introspective journey via the Intentional Creativity® method to quieten the inner ‘Critic,’ and empower the inner ‘Muse.’  

In Intentional Creativity® we use our mindful awareness, inquiry, visualisation, image and language; to explore old disempowering beliefs, fears and vulnerabilities.  We create space to connect with our inner wisdom and reframe these beliefs into new empowering perspectives.

In discovering our new way of seeing and being, we are free to express ourselves in new creative ways.  It is my belief art is for everyone, we are all creative beings.

This Exhibition is my journey, to my personal truth... and in sharing mine, I hope to inspire you to have the courage to discover yours!

May your light shine bright!” 

Melanie Waters-Marsh - Artist aka MM. Coach and Intentional Creativity Teacher 


Exhibition open daily 10am to 4pm, from Sunday 15th– Saturday 21stMarch 2020.

Richard Randall Art Studio, Brisbane Botanic Gardens Mt Coot-tha, Toowong, Qld, 4066.

Exhibition Banner

Exhibition Banner

Exhibition Events & Classes…

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Location Map Shot

Opening Celebration
Sunday 15th March 2020, 2 – 5pm

On the first day of the exhibition we will have a little celebrations with light refreshments and a chat. So looking forward to seeing my dear ones there!

Up Late Evening Hours

Monday 16th March 2020, 5:00-7:30pm

An evening session, for exhibition viewing, for those whose lives are way to busy!

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Medicine Basket Art Class

Tuesday 17th March 2020, 12-2:30pm

The purpose of our playshop is to help you articulate the gifts that you are carrying inside, and how you can let them shine! These are gifts that are unique to you. Bringing an awareness to your gifts allows you to appreciate who you are and how you can share your gifts even more with others. You will create, an image of your medicine basket, a reflection of you!

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Soulful Story Cards Class

Tuesday 17th March 2020, 3:30-6pm

An Intentional Creativity® Workshop to Transform your old story into a soulful story through hand painted Affirmation Oracle Cards. On the day, you will be making eight Affirmation Cards you can use to build self-confidence and explore a more soulful, happy life.
Are you ready to move on from the old stories that have been holding you back!?!
Mothers and daughters are encouraged to share this one!


Magnificent Mala Making Class

Wednesday 18th March 2020, 10am-1:30pm

Are you a lover of malas? The colours, the ritual, the mediation and the beauty?
Have you ever wanted to make one, but not sure where or how to start?
Using Intentional Creativity® to create a sacred item of ritual, meditation, prayer or affirmation; you will create, the personal meaning and ritual, of your own mala, made for that purpose. It’s a divine practice, especially in circle!

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Dreams in Bloom Art Class

Wednesday 18th March 2020, 6-8:30pm

What ideas and dreams do you have percolating in your mind?
Our thoughts and dreams are seeded, tendered and then grow; when they are fully realised they blossom! As we paint, our dreams will be represented by buds and flowers, we connect to our dreams and watch them come alive. Your artwork is a talisman of your dreams! Are you ready to bring your dreams to life?

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House of the Heart

Thursday 19th March 2020, 10-12:30pm

Exploring our beliefs about our belonging; where do I belong?
As children one of the first things we learn to draw is a house. We create stories around this and belonging. We will create our home, the House of the Heart, where we find deep connection and a sense of fearless belonging. Painting out the beauty that we each have and hold in our hearts, where we belong.

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The Visionary Plan Workshop

Friday 20th March 2020, 10am-4pm

Using Intentional Creativity® we will create a container to hold the energy and visual plan for your business. This will be a freestanding, double-sided display of your dream business; covering your Vision, Bio, Mission, Dream Clients, Offerings, Marketing, Abundance and Collaborators on your business adventure. Do you want to discover the true reason why you want to do what you do?


Goddess Gathering Circle

Friday 20th March 2020, 7-9:30pm

This is the coming together of Women on a Mission to be their own Divine Living Goddess. This is for those who want to make the time to feel valued, nourished and loved up, in a beautiful loving environment surrounded by feminine Muses! Tonight, we will focus on; Calm the Mind, Relax the Body, Connect the Spirit & have some fun celebrating US!

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Tea with The Muse

One Day Immersive Painting Retreat

Sunday 22nd March 2020, 9:30-4:30pm

One Day Immersive Painting Retreat
This is an introduction to a Five Step Method in International Creativity® where you will go on a journey to meet and have Tea with your Muse! What is her story? What are her symbols? What hidden wisdom does your Muse have to share with you?
Come along and meet her, and bring her to life on the canvas!